Thursday, April 16, 2009

April 16 105/365

Interesting wood grain on my closet door.

April 15 104/365

After this is finished and felted, it will be a case for my sunglasses.

April 14 103/365

This photo brought to you by the letter "A."

April 13 102/365

April 12 101/365

April 11 100/365

Bunny Eggs

April 10 99/365

Lauren's first attempt at making dill pickles.

April 9 98/365

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

April 8 97/365

My first attempt at photographing the moon. I actually hauled the tripod out to the backyard for this. AND I moved the trampoline because I couldn't stand where I wanted to since it was in the way. If I weren't so lazy, I could retouch it and get rid of the utility wires.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

April 7 96/365

spider web

April 6 95/365

an old door

April 5 94/365

April 4 93/365

in the park,
I think it was the 4th of April"

April 3 92/365

Indian Hawthorne, outside Taco Cabana

April 2 91/365

This is a Century Plant. In case you were wondering.

April 1 90/365

Pepperoni Pasta. Yum!

March 31 89/365

I don't know who this guy is, but every day, during "rush hour," he is standing on the corner of Walnut and San Antonio streets, "strumming" up business for Little Ceasar's Pizza. He's very serious about his guitar playing, and he will wave to anyone who waves to him. Again, it's nice to see someone who enjoys his work so much.